With the chilly nights drawing in and with the uncertainties around another lockdown, it’s always nice to head to the garden to seek company of robins, earthworms and like-minded people.
On Saturday 17 th October, with Orchard Cardiff in the house, we threw a little (socially distanced) apple party to celebrate World Food Day as part of the Good Food Cardiff Autumn Festival.

We chopped, crunched, chatted and flexed our muscles to press the delicious tangy juice.

Two apple-y sessions were offered, starting with families from the Outdoor Play group where the crunching, pressing and tasting proved to be especially popular with the little ones.

A little later we welcomed a group of volunteers and friends and in no time we went through 5 boxes of tasty apples from St Mellons. Vaida also prepared a mindboggling apple quiz (which was obviously a piece of cake for all pomologists) – now we will all remember that it takes exactly 50 leaves to produce one apple.

To spread ourselves a bit around the garden, we also did a bit of gardening, weeding around chard beds and clearing out brambles.
Huge thank you to Soil Association’s Food for Life Get Togethers for funding our lovely apple pressing equipment!
By Barbora, Global Gardens and Orchard Harvest volunteer