It has been really exciting to work with Keep Wales Tidy over the last three months to develop the wildlife friendly elements of the garden at Global Gardens Project.
Native hedgerow
In the Outdoor Play Area, we have planted a native hedge of hazel, dog rose, elder, hawthorn and dog wood. This mix of native trees and shrubs we hope will create habitat for a diverse range of wildlife including birds and beneficial insects as well as creating an interesting space for outdoor play sessions.
Community orchard
In a new area at the Flaxland allotments, we have cleared brambles to make way for an orchard of 12 apple trees and 2 pear trees, surrounded by a hazel hedge, elder trees and a rose border. The apple and pear trees were provided by the Social Farms and Gardens orchard scheme whilst the native hedge was supported by Keep Wales Tidy.
Varieties planted include early season apple varieties: Discovery (ready end of August), Katy and Worcester Pearmain (both ready early september). Mid season apple varieties: Sunset (ready end of September), Adam's Pearmain (ready early October) and Pitmaston Pineapple (ready mid October). Late season apple varieties: Winter Gem, Laxton's Superb, Court Pendu Plat (ready late October) and Reinette Coulon (ready in November). We have also planted three cooking apples: Golden Noble, Arthur Turner and Wern. Plus two Conference pears.
Most of these trees were grafted by Stephen Watts of Ediculture at Coed Hills Rural Artspace.
Some of the apple varieties planted
Around the fruit trees, we have planted snowdrops, English bluebells and Wood anemones. We have also planted a range of pollinator friendly meadow plants including Catsears, Yarrow, Hyssop, Yellow rattle. Wildflower turf.
The Keep Wales Tidy grant has also provided us with two raised beds, benches and a shed as well as habitat boxes for birds, bats, hedgehogs. As part of the scheme, we have also been able to attend some webinars on wildlie friendly gardening with Buglife.
Andy and Jess with our new planters
Huge thanks to Andy and Jessie our indefatigable project coordinators from Keep Wales Tidy, to Keep Wales Tidy for the Wildlife Garden package, Social Farms and Gardens for the trees and everyone who helped plant out the trees and bulbs. We are looking forwards to the harvest to come!