We hosted a wassail at Global Gardens led by singer and story teller Cath Little.
A wassail is a local tradition that has happened across Wales for many years passed. It involves singing and general clatter making to wake up the apple trees and wish them good health after their winter sleep.
With musical accompaniment from falutist Eden, we sang to the fruit trees, thanked them for their delicious fruits and wished them, and the wider community, all the best for the year to come.
These are the three songs that we sung...
Traditional Wassail Songs
These words are spoken as the apple juice/cider is poured over the roots:
“Apple Tree, I wassail thee,
What you give to me, I give back to thee.”
Here’s to thee, good Apple Tree,
Stand firm at root,
Bear well at top,
Every little twig bear an apple big,
Every little bough bear an apple now,
Caps full, hats full, three score sacks full,
Hurrah Friends, Hurrah!
Here we come a wassailing among the leaves so green,
Here we come a wandering so rarely to be seen,
Love and joy be to you,
And to you who wassail too,
And we greet you and wish you a Happy New Year!
And we wish you a Happy New Year!
Bud and blossom, bud and blossom, bud and bloom again,
Keep us through the winter time until it’s spring again,
Love and joy be to you,
And to you who wassail too,
And we greet you and wish you a Happy New Year!
And we wish you a Happy New Year!
